Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We loaded up the Baby Bjorn and the wagon and headed over to our neighborhood parade. It was so much fun, and the weather was perfect!!! MUCH better than last year when we were sweating throughout the entire evening! Hayden had a BLAST! I don't know what she liked more: getting candy from the houses or handing candy out to trick or treaters when they came to our house. She would hear a knock on the door and jump up running to the door. Then she tried to give away ALL the candy to the first person who held their bag open! Daddy quickly had to teach her to only give a few pieces away at a time! ;)

When we would walk up to people's doors I would ask Hayden what she would say to them, and she'd tell me, "Trick or Treat! And Thank You!" As soon as they opened the door she would refuse to say anything. Good times. So at one house I said, "Hayden, what do you tell them?" And she held her bag out and said, "I want you to put it in here." I about died! Then at another house she wouldn't say anything and the lady had one hand full holding the candy bowl and the other hand keeping her dog in the house. So Hayden just stared at her and then just reached into her candy bowl and told her, "I want a sucker." I PROMISE we are working on manners!!! ;)

I guess I was dressed up as a woman who just had a baby?!?! Ainsley was dressed as a flower, but she stayed here the whole time so no one ever knew! ;(
Happy Halloween from The Wagners!
Daddy & his Fairy Princess!
Ainsley was REALLY into the parade...can't you tell!

We were so excited to run into the Ables at the parade. Addison hopped on it, and Hayden was in heaven!Loved peering in her bag to see what was there!
Yep....I just got more candy!
This is so fun!
What did you put in here?
Hands off! This is MY candy!
Smiling with her loot!
Check out those orange lights!
What's in here?!?!
Still a little shy when people would open the door!
Daddy & Hayden
Warming up by the fire and listening for trick or treaters!

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